domingo, 26 de fevereiro de 2012


This is a course for those who want to learn confidently Brazilian Portuguese, as it is spoke on streets and around the Brazilian country. I will try to bring you more about Brazilian culture and style of life. Be confident in understand our language and more.
In this book you will see first the Brazilian numbers, alphabet, pronouns and some basic colloquial phrases. And as you go with the self learning, you will find more about languages skills and grammar. Don’t forget to play the audio when you need it, or if you have any comments or questions about the book, please, contact me at                                    55 (81) 8818-4389

Note that this book is a guide to the colloquial Brazilian Portuguese, and not a Grammar reference, in especially Portuguese spoke in Recife region (in Pernambuco state) But also some information about São Paulo city.
Here you will find information about places, like as airport, shopping timetable, places to go in Recife region,

Beaches, important places and prices around the country.
Written and produced by
Marcio Francisco da Silva
I sell this book and others to pay my studies, please, don’t copy it!
With audio included (CD mp3)

Lesson 1
O alfabeto
(The alphabet)

·       The alphabet and it’s sound
·       Numbers
·       Grammar  verbs and pronouns
·       Conversation (going to Recife)
·       Verbs, useful and information

The alphabet of the Portuguese language

Contains 26 letters

A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Now, let’s learn some sounds of the Portuguese language.

(a)  Like in (pai) father
(ã) Like in (mãe) mother
(é) like in (pé) foot
(ê) like in (mesa) table
(i) like in (inveja) envy
(ó) like in (bola) ball
(ô) like in (noite) night
(u) like in (musica) music

Note also to the following sounds:
Ãm, êm, im, õm, um.
Ch: (chápeu) hat
Ss: (Passo) step
Nh: (banho, galinha) bath, chicken
Lh: LHA, LHE,LHI,LHO,LHU (palhaço) clown
Rr: (erro) mistake
Gue: GUE,GUI, (guerra) war (guitarra) guitar
Que: (querida) dear(for female)

Practice these words

Bahia, manhã, pezinho, caixinha, xícara, palhaço, paralelo, calor, caligrafia, ortopedia, dentadura, deixar.

This is some useful expressions for you to use during the Day, in Recife region and around the country.

·        Dialogue 1
·        Bom dia !(good morning)
·        Boa tarde! (good afternoon)
·        Boa noite !(good night)
·        Até amanhã! (see you tomorrow)
·        Por favor !(please)
·        Obrigado !(thanks)
·        Muito obrigado! (thanks a lot)
·        Sim (yes)
·        Não (no)
·        Aqui (here)
·        Alí (there)
·        Meu  nome é Antonio
(my name is Antonio)
·        Me chamo luís (my name is Luis) informal
·        Qual é o seu nome ?(what’s your name?)
·        Quanto custa ? (how much is it?)
·        Quanto é ? ( how much is it?)  informal

If you don’t know anything in Portuguese, or just a few words, below I will give you some phrases and expressions for you to communicate in some situations like asking a passerby where an address is or just where a subway station in Recife or São Paulo is.
Dialogue 2

Onde é…? (Where is…?)
Onde é a estação de metro?
(Where is the subway station?)
Onde fica a estação de afogados?
(Where is afogado’s station?)
Onde fica a estação de metro da Sé?
(Where is Sé metro station?)
Onde posso encontrar lojas?
(Where can I find some stores?)
Onde fica esta rua ?
(where is this street?)
Onde é este endereço?
(Where is this address?)

Recife, city in northeastern Brazil.

 Capital of the state of Pernambuco, on the Atlantic Ocean, near the easternmost tip of South America. The city, one of the largest in Brazil, is divided by waterways into separate districts. Major districts include São José, a commercial and financial district on a peninsula; Boa Vista, a business and residential district on the mainland; and Santo Antônio, a governmental district on Antônio Vaz Island.
Because of its many waterways, Recife is sometimes called the Venice of America. Its principal industries are importing and exporting, sugar refining, cotton milling, ironworking, pineapple canning, tomato preserving, and the manufacturing of cement, asbestos, paper, roofing, and leather goods. Located in the city are the Federal University of Pernambuco (1946), the Catholic University of Pernambuco (1951), and the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (1954). Recife was settled about 1535, captured by the English in 1595, and occupied by the Dutch from 1630 to 1654.

There’s a system of subway here in Recife, this can connect you to others cities like jaboatão. Cavaleiro, tejipió, barro, santa joana, afogados, joana bezerra and Recife.
In Joana bezerra station, you can get another line of subway, If you want to go to airport for example, just take the 2 line of subway in joana bezerra. In this line you will be connected to imbiribeira, shopping recife, aeroporto, and prazeres.
Don’t forget that you can travel the city paying just one ticket, maybe R$ 1, 40 or R$ 2, 50.
In São Paulo you can travel the cities taking a complex system of subway. Please, pay attention to the signs. If you are interested in to see some others thinks, ask a police for information. Note that this city is most populated than Recife; there you will have some problems if you ignore the signs information.

Dialogue 3

Ø estou perdido (I lost the way)
Ø pode me ajudar (can you help me?)
Ø Não sei (I don’t know)
Ø Não posso ( Ican’t)
Ø Não vou (I don’t go)
Ø É perto? (it’s near?)
Ø É longe?(it’s far?)
Ø É fácil?(it’s easy?)
Ø É difícil?(it’s difficult?)
Ø Onde estou? (where am I?)
Ø Onde estamos indo?
(Where are we going to?)
Ø Veja, é aquele ônibus!
(Look, is that the bus!)

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